
  • We’re having monthly planning meetings now (each month’s first Sunday, 12.00). Please join, if you can, it’s important to split up responsibilities and all the work
  • We got a new temporary styre, but we really need at least two people to take the position permanently. We’ll help you with it!
    • Plenty of responsibilities have been given to members to make styre’s life easier
  • We’re meeting September 4th to elect a new styre. After that, we’ll have a nice garden-party. Save the date!

Long version

Hei hagefolks!

On 15th of May, we finally had our first årsmøte in a while.

Most importantly, we agreed on how to structure the gardenwork in the future and how to distribute responsibilities. From now on, we’ll have a monthly planning meeting on each first Sunday of a month (12 o’clock). We’ll use that meeting to keep our new To-Do List up to date and distribute all the work to as many shoulders as possible.

Also, we clarified that the vegetables and fruits we grow in the garde are generally for common use: Every member or non-member can harvest them, eat them and take them home! That assumes that everyone uses the garden in a reasonable manner, takes other’s needs into account and tries to contribute a fair share of the gardenwork.


On the formal side, we elected a new (temporary) styre: Ondrej continues to be styreleder, Hagen is our new Vara, and Safa came forward to be our new Økonomiansvarlig! Importantly, Ondrej and Hagen clarified that they can only take these positions temporarily. They will use the time to create some general structure, and get the bank account back in order, over the summer. Therefore, we will meet for an extraordinary Assembly on 4th of September and elect a more permanent styre. It’s important to find folks to take up these positions! It’s not an incredibly difficult job, and we’ll help you to get started. So if you’re interested, please get in touch :)

Additionally, some of styres responsibilities were delegated to some of our fellow members: Isak volunteered to take photos of our garden activities, Siri will take care of the Facebook and Instagram account, Hagen creates a new website (you’re probably reading this post on it, right now). Open posts are recruiting and garden education. If you’re interested, also please get in touch!

Last year’s activity

We’re looking back on two quite productive years, since our last årsmøte. Even though Corona hit us as bad as everyone else, we had a lot of successful projects: There were plenty of garden events, like apple harvest, woodworking workshops, harvesting and cooking afternoons, etc. We renovated the cellar and got a cozy couch-room, we built mini-greenhouses, made juice and build compost stalls. Great work!


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